Spring Reading Plans

I love making plans. I delight more in planning than the actual execution of my plans. And when it comes to reading, I try my best to be more flexible in deciding what books I want to read next. However, I have some goals I would like to achieve in the next few months, so I thought why not make a post about it?

General reading plans

Read more books during commuting.
As I mentioned in my February wrap up, I’ve recently started my full-time internship, meaning that I have to commute every weekday for around 30 minutes. I try to make most of that time reading instead of staring into nothing or listening to music. My goal is to read my e-ARCs and listen to my audiobooks in this allocated time.

Read more books at night before going to bed.
This was a habit I used to have several years back, but somehow I fell out of it. It’s mainly because I recently got addicted to a PC game called Stardew Valley, and I would play it for hours until I realise that it’s already midnight and I’d hurriedly go to sleep. I hope I’ll have more self control in the future, and divide my time to playing for a couple of hours and reading before I go to bed.

Do not rush on the audiobooks.
I am loving this whole audiobook thing. I’ve only started, but I do realise that in the future I don’t want to have the monthly Audible subscription because it’s just too expensive for me. So, I hope I can read one audiobook per two months, which means I have to slow down when I’m listening to my books so that I won’t finish it in only a week and have nothing to listen to for the following one and half months.

Watch more book to movie adaptations.
I try to watch many movies from all kinds of genres, but I’ve always wanted to watch a lot of book to movie adaptation. It doesn’t even have to be a book that I have read already, but just any book! Some movies I’m interested in include: The Glass Castle, The Remains of the Day, and Tulip Fever.

Join a readathon.
I love readathons, and it’s been ages since I’ve joined one! I need to be more proactive and actually look for upcoming readathons, but I hope I can do at least one readathon (preferably one that happens for a week!) in the next few months, just to boost my read books count.

Books to read

Of course these aren’t all the books I plan to read in spring, but I hope to at least start reading these ones in the near future. I’ll definitely keep these books in mind when I’m deciding which books to read next.

  1. Born a Crime by Trevor Noah (currently reading)
  2. The Power by Naomi Alderman
  3. The Visitor by KL Slater
  4. The Retreat by Mark Edwards
  5. Stay with Me by Ayobami Adebayo

What are your reading plans for spring? Let me know in the comments!




19 thoughts on “Spring Reading Plans

  1. I really want to read Stay with Me too. I’m so curious about it. I’ve been waiting for the paperback to be published, but I’m getting impatient.
    I had to cancel my Audible subscription because it was too expensive for me too considering that I don’t read so many audiobooks. I mostly use them to reread books and plan to stick to doing so.


    1. I am excited for Stay with Me as well! The paperback is already out! I have it in my bookshelf 🙂 It’s available in the Book Depository.
      I don’t read audiobooks that much either, that’s why I plan to only join the Audible subscription that pays for only once every two months 🙂


    1. Oh no, that’s such a shame 😦 I also get motion sickness, but only on cars. I can function perfectly in the train or the plane. I once finished a whole book on a trip while waiting for my delayed plane and also during my flight!


      1. I can read on trains but they’re too expensive, so I only get on coaches. 😔 That’s impressive tho, good job haha! x

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  2. I’m looking forward to Stay With Me — I just convinced my book group to read it this summer! 🙂 The Power is really interesting — it’s a pretty quick read, but with lots to think and talk about afterward. Good luck with your spring reading!


  3. I find reading before bed makes me suuuper sleepy, but I try to do it anyway! At the moment, that’s the only time I can get any reading in during the week so I have to battle on through those droopy eyelids :p

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  4. Yes! I started listening to audiobooks whenever I am walking to class and I am able to go through so many more because of all that time that I would just spend walking otherwise. I highly suggest Overdrive (an app) since it connects to the library and then you don’t have to pay for your audiobooks. I also want to do more readathons. Thanks for sharing!

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